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Spirit Coaching (Intro & Intake)

Perceiving Life through God's Eyes

30 minOnline

Service Description

Spirit Coaching are private sessions designed to bring clarity and understanding to one's life by assisting with perceiving our experiences from God's perspective using our knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Laws to assist with Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Healing. We look at the ways in which these "Spiritual Laws" manifest in our daily lives as either pleasant or unpleasant in our experiences and then see how to increase the pleasant in All areas of our lives beginning with least pleasant, ultimately aligning and harmonizing our Metaphysical Bodies (the Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual) to vibrate as One body. When there is minimal resistance from our Metaphysical Bodies our Physical Body is able to feel a deeper presence of and benefit immensely from a purer connection with God so that One is not only healed and innergized by Its Presence, it is also guided by Its Infinite Intelligence and Wisdom in All areas of One's Life through an Intimate Relationship and Lifestyle of Constant Conscious Communing / Communicating. In other words, these sessions are to coach One into a relationship with God so that whatever One is doing, and however One is experiencing Life, it is Always from a place of Peace, Compassion, Understanding, and Joy. Disclaimer: These sessions are deep and straight to the point and mainly for the Ones who are aware that every experience is a manifestation of One's inner Vibration and is looking to become moor accountable and responsible with Creating One's Reality. If coaching your Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual Bodies into better alignment and harmony to vibrate as One Body to Fully insperience and experience All there Is, All there Was, and All that Shall Be, then your first step is to schedule a free "Introduction Session" to see if our 'Spirit Coaching" sessions would benefit you. Generally speaking, the sessions are $333 a month with a 3 month commitment and approximately 90 minutes each in duration that are scheduled bi-strongly (bi-weekly) with daily or as needed check-ins in between sessions however each of these may be catered to One's specific desires if our "Spirit Coaching" is found to be beneficial.

Contact Details

House of Enchantment 5137 Astor Place Southeast, Washington, DC, USA

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